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Mengenal perangkat SEO SEOquake

Pernahkah kita mendengar kata "SEOquake" ?
Mungkin sebagian dari orang yang sudah jagoo ngeblog atau sering bermain dengan seo (search engine optimization) dan selalu pusing pasti tahu apa itu SEOquake.
Menurut sumber dari websitenya mengatakan bahwa :
SeoQuake adalah populer dan berguna analitik seo-alat untuk Firefox, Chrome dan Opera browser. SeoQuake membantu untuk mendapatkan informasi tentang situs untuk berbagai parameter seperti page rank, Google index, Alexa dan banyak lainnya. Alat Density Keyword berfungsi untuk menunjukkan beberapa kali kata kunci atau frase muncul pada halaman web. SeoQuake memiliki parameter yang menyoroti link noffolow.

SeoQuake Toolbar menunjukkan nilai parameter di bawah setiap hasil pencarian di SERP Google, Yahoo, Bing, Yandex, Baidu.

Nah itu hasil google translate, diambil dari yang merupakan penyedia perangkat tambahan untuk browser kita.

Cara memasangnya cukup gampang kok.
- Cari di internet dengan keyword "plugin seoquake chrome" jika kita memakai  untuk chrome
- Cari di internet dengan keyword "plugin seoquake mozilla firefox" jika kita ingin memakai untuk mozilla firefox
- Klik dan instal ...

Plugin ini untuk melihat complete rank blog seseorang sampai diagnosis blog/website juga ada. Saya juga memakai plugin ini loh. Nanti sesudah diinstal dia akan muncul di bagian kanan atas, klik kanan, pencarian google.
mengenal perangkat seo quake


  1. Ahrefs
    While we’re on the topic of SEO, I wanted to mention Ahrefs. Ahrefs is a tool that allows you to do keyword research to ensure you’re targeting the best keywords with the highest traffic and lowest difficulty to rank for.
    While this tool isn’t free or cheap, they do offer a free two-week trial. Alternatively, you can use their competitors like Moz or SEMrush (who also have free trials, hint hint). Whichever one you choose, if you’re serious about ranking on Google, I highly recommend a keyword research tool. Without them, you only have access to Google Keyword Planner, which doesn’t really help you find the right keywords.

  2. Ahrefs
    While we’re on the topic of SEO, I wanted to mention Ahrefs. Ahrefs is a tool that allows you to do keyword research to ensure you’re targeting the best keywords with the highest traffic and lowest difficulty to rank for.
    While this tool isn’t free or cheap, they do offer a free two-week trial. Alternatively, you can use their competitors like Moz or SEMrush (who also have free trials, hint hint). Whichever one you choose, if you’re serious about ranking on Google, I highly recommend a keyword research tool. Without them, you only have access to Google Keyword Planner, which doesn’t really help you find the right keywords.

  3. Ahrefs
    While we’re on the topic of SEO, I wanted to mention Ahrefs. Ahrefs is a tool that allows you to do
    keyword research to ensure you’re targeting the best keywords with the highest traffic and lowest
    difficulty to rank for.
    While this tool isn’t free or cheap, they do offer a free two-week trial. Alternatively, you can use their
    competitors like Moz or SEMrush (who also have free trials, hint hint). Whichever one you choose, if
    you’re serious about ranking on Google, I highly recommend a keyword research tool. Without them,
    you only have access to Google Keyword Planner, which doesn’t really help you find the right keywords.

  4. Ahrefs
    While we’re on the topic of SEO, I wanted to mention Ahrefs. Ahrefs is a tool that allows you to do
    keyword research to ensure you’re targeting the best keywords with the highest traffic and lowest
    difficulty to rank for.
    While this tool isn’t free or cheap, they do offer a free two-week trial. Alternatively, you can use their
    competitors like Moz or SEMrush (who also have free trials, hint hint). Whichever one you choose, if
    you’re serious about ranking on Google, I highly recommend a keyword research tool. Without them,
    you only have access to Google Keyword Planner, which doesn’t really help you find the right keywords.

  5. Ahrefs
    While we’re on the topic of SEO, I wanted to mention Ahrefs. Ahrefs is a tool that allows you to do
    keyword research to ensure you’re targeting the best keywords with the highest traffic and lowest
    difficulty to rank for.
    While this tool isn’t free or cheap, they do offer a free two-week trial. Alternatively, you can use their
    competitors like Moz or SEMrush (who also have free trials, hint hint). Whichever one you choose, if
    you’re serious about ranking on Google, I highly recommend a keyword research tool. Without them,
    you only have access to Google Keyword Planner, which doesn’t really help you find the right keywords.

  6. Ahrefs
    While we’re on the topic of SEO, I wanted to mention Ahrefs. Ahrefs is a tool that allows you to do
    keyword research to ensure you’re targeting the best keywords with the highest traffic and lowest
    difficulty to rank for.
    While this tool isn’t free or cheap, they do offer a free two-week trial. Alternatively, you can use their
    competitors like Moz or SEMrush (who also have free trials, hint hint). Whichever one you choose, if
    you’re serious about ranking on Google, I highly recommend a keyword research tool. Without them,
    you only have access to Google Keyword Planner, which doesn’t really help you find the right keywords.


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