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Video Games are not only the mode

Video Games are not only the mode of entertaining yourself but they are also an easy way in which you can bring your friends and family together. Playing a video game does not need much expertise and once you know the basics you can see yourself enjoying the game. The Grand Theft Auto IV is also a very popular video game which is enjoyed by people across all age groups. The major details about Grand Theft Auto IV- How to play the game and learning more about the game with regards to its development, launch and success is being discussed here.

The grand theft Auto IV popularly known as GTA IV is the ninth game in the nine game series of the Grand Theft Auto Games. It was developed by Rockstar North and released in the month of April 2008. This game was released in different versions which were compatible with Xbox and Playstation 3. Initially this game was released only in Europe and America and subsequently it was also released in Japan on 30th October, 2008. It was only when the game was eventually released in the Windows version in the month of December 2008 that the game gained wide acceptance and popularity.

How to play the game - Grand Theft Auto IV is no more a common question as playing this game is not much complicated and you can start off with it just after knowing the basics of the game. To begin playing with the game you need to have either an X-box 360 or a Playstation 3. In addition to these you need a Television Set which need not be a high end TV set but just a regular TV set.

The grand theft auto IV game was set in the fictitious Liberty city. If you compare this version of the game with earlier Grand Theft Auto series games, you will find that it has been totally redesigned. The city pictures here draw its inspiration from the real life New York and also from different happenings of the city. The protagonist of the game is war veteran Niko Bellic who belongs to a country in Eastern Europe. On his quest for American dream he gets caught in seedy and gray affairs with the underworld and is unable to pull himself out of it and finds himself trapped in a net of gangs and crimes.

While playing GTA IV you can get varied experiences such as riding a car, a first person shooter and a third person shooter. You will find yourself doing jobs such as shooting random pedestrians, stealing cars and running from the cops. Actually you are following the order of your employer in this game who may have hired you for terrorism or for shooting and killing someone. If you allow someone to escape from you, it may have inherent risks and your employer may impose dire consequences on you for not finishing your job properly.

You can also play the Grand Theft Auto IV game online which also has a multiple player mode. This mode has about 15 types of game that you can play with your friends online around the globe.

This game can be tagged as a major critical and commercial success as not only it has broken all the records of gaming industry but also made a record by selling more than four million on its first day of release. Looking into the ranking charts and comparing with other games, you can easily conclude that the Grand Theft Auto IV is the best and also the highest ranked game.


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